Revolution Vs Revelation! More Funds & More Freedom To Develop PH Countryside?

“Agri Liberation” is the latest battle cry. Turns out historical & hysterical. I googled “agri liberation images” (note double quotes), and the above images happened right next to each other: How lucky can you get?! Local vs international, Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) vs Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. What colorful “combination” – and neither do I agree with! “Revolution” showing itself next to “Liberation” – Actually, the quarrel has been there at least in the last 60 years when PH activists began agitating for “Land for the Landless” and those with money began agitating for more business inside and outside the Philippines. If you did not know, PH’s Agrarian Revolution is actually ongoing – slow but ongoing. In any case, land ownership has shown itself to be anathema to production and profit. Because of inefficiencies, ownership liberation limits production of the farmer and, therefore, of the country; and business liberation limits ...