Mr Elon Musk, What The World Needs Now Is “The Musk Regenerative Ability Prizes!” Plural. Sorry, “The Zayed Sustainability Prize” Is Still Abetting Climate Change!

Facebook surprised me today, Thursday, 28 April 2022 with “The Zayed Sustainability Prize” post. The Zayed Prize covers 5 categories: Energy, Food, Global High Schools, Health, and Water. “Great!” I told myself, “Thank you very much, Mr Zayed! At this moment of world history, The Zayed Prize should be stimulating worldwide quite a number of brains to come up with original concepts of ways toward resource sustainability. We must sustain our world, right?” In a little while, I remembered that I myself had moved on from the principle of “sustain-ability” to that of “regenerative ability” as early as 2 years ago (see my essay, “Regenerative Farming – Enriching The Soil Enriching The Farmers,” 29 October 2020, Towards A New Eden, ). I said at that time our farmers – not to mention our gardeners – must regenerate the richness of the soils that they have consistently removed and/or prevented from coming back by modern chemical farming & gardening methods: As it is, much Su...