“What Else?” The Endless Question Is The Best For PH Agriculture

Photo taken by me on Thursday, 13 June 2019, near the Sinapog River bridge east of Asingan, Pangasinan, overlooking fields of rice and fruit trees growing, and much water. I’m showing you this photograph because you, the looker, is at a vantage point – you are above all else, and you should be able to think of things to make things better . Like saving on water. Like multiple cropping with rice. Like growing young cacao with fruit trees as mother trees. Like growing more bananas. And attracting more farm tourists! “What Else?” is my brand new question that is actually a new rendering of a 16-year-old idea I called The Geography Of Knowledge , the title of the book I single-mindedly & singlehandedly wrote while consulting with PhilRice via then-Executive Director Leo Sebastian. An ebook, published on Innocents Day, 28 December 2003. At PhilRice headquarters in Maligaya in Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, I submitted a copy of the pdf of 198 pages, 7” x 9” trim size, to Roger Barroga (God bless h...