07.LetMyPeopleGo – Food Security & Self-Sufficiency, Buttons Red & Blue

I am an incessant blogger who surfs the Web even at unholy hours – because while I know I am a genius, I do not know everything! 

Now, here comes AGHAM handing out a national warning, according to Ellalyn de Vera-Ruiz of Manila Bulletin in an article dated 29 March 2020: “Gap Between Food Production And Distribution May Cause Crisis, Experts Warn[1].” Ms Ellalyn begins her article saying, “Food security and self-sufficiency advocates warned the government over the weekend…” I cut it short here because my research says that that warning was issued last Wednesday yet, 25 March, certainly not the weekend. The AGHAM Facebook page says so!

And that lapse in the use of the word weekend, by Ms Ellalyn, is only my introduction to a very public Freudian slip by the AGHAM people themselves. On their Facebook page, they say:

Access to food must be a foremost concern of the national government amid Covid-19 pandemic. ¶ The AGHAM-Food Security and Self-Sufficiency Committee warns the government of a looming food crisis should it fail to bring food to households affected by the Luzon-wide lockdown.

First sentence:Without naming names, AGHAM is implying that the national government, specifically the Department of Agriculture, DA, under Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie, is not giving access to food as “a foremost concern.” My God, where have the AGHAM people been all these months and up to yesterday, starting when Manong Willie became Secretary on 05 August 2019?!

Second sentence: AGHAM is implying that the DA is unaware of a looming food crisis etc – that tells me that they have not been reading the papers online or in print, or even just browsing Facebook. I have been blogging on, about, for the New PH Agriculture in the last 8 months, today with a total of 365 already in my blog Frank H, The Blogfather, or an average of 45 essays every 30 days – you can imagine the number of Internet searches those essays have required, because I always do background research.

Even so, all of the above is minor if you consider the full name on the group’s Facebook page:

“AGHAM – Food Security and Self-Sufficiency.”

The AGHAM people do not see anything wrong with that statement, that they or we should be aiming for the Philippines both food security and food self-sufficiency. Well, there is a contradiction there! Read now the red & blue buttons above (borrowed[2])

The IFPRI page explains[3]:

Food security is defined as “the access for all people at all times to enough food for a health(y), active life”… In contrast, food self-sufficiency is defined as being able to meet consumption needs (particularly for staple food crops) from own production rather than by buying or importing.

You are food secureif you do not produce everything but have the capacity to buy what you need; you are food self-sufficient if you produce all the food you need.

Critical thinking tells me you are weird if you pursue food security and food self-sufficiency simultaneously!@517

[1] https://news.mb.com.ph/2020/03/29/gap-between-food-production-and-distribution-may-cause-crisis-experts-warn/?fbclid=IwAR2u_qP8jF_oSdRZR6yw5Gp-aKA6NBFyPAgEa1J84opARG2yUH9lFQttziE
[2] http://www.answeringmuslims.com/2016/07/the-doctrine-of-hypostatic-union.html
[3] https://www.ifpri.org/publication/food-security-and-food-self-sufficiency-bhutan


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