PH SCUs, Let Us Learn From Finland Learning How To Teach Genius!

I was reading the text to the link to the Facebook sharing of Bona Laureto above, and I was first thinking of me, then school children, then high schoolers, then State Colleges & Universities, SCUs, then teachers – and then the farmers. 

We are all learners at one time or another!
This is a teacher speaking, PH Professional Level.

“Yeap! Finland Will Become The First Country In The World To Get Rid Of All School Subjects” was written by  Elizabeth Williams (Curious Mind Magazine). Curiously, it is undated; not even the URL gives a clue on the year – I found it elsewhere, in another undated learning article, in Twig Education, where it says:

Phenomena-based learning… has been in the spotlight recently. First popularized due to Finland’s decision to revolutionize their curriculum in 2016, this buzzword is back on everyone’s lips again.

So, it has been at least 4 years since Finland decided to revolutionize education and this Teacher Professional who is also a wide reader who is also a science writer never heard of it!? It tells me 2 things:

(1) Finnish writers do not give much thought to education, even as their country is changing the world of teaching!

(2) Writers in English don’t give much damn to changing the way they think either!

Writers just want to teach?

This brings me to my topic:

Opening doors to learning for everyone.

Ms Elizabeth’s article on Finland revolutionizing education by erasing all subjects I see as writing in all manners of investigation. And yes, I know that everyone of us has genius inside us, except that years before our teachers stopped us from discovering it by drowning it with subjects and logical quizzes and regurgitating-memory-intensive long exams.

I wish PH Secretary of Education Leonor Briones would apply my new philosophy of education to any one of the schools under the Department of Education, DepEd; after DepEd, I look at the SCUs picking up my holistic idea of education. Which is?

ME_MI Education 2020

The first 2 words meaning:
ME – multiple excitements
MI – multiple intelligences.

Now MI comes directly from Harvard Professor Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, where you or I have hidden within us that each of us has yet to discover, any of the following 9 intelligences[1]: 

(1) Bodily-kinesthetic;
(2) Existential;
(3) Interpersonal;
(4) Intrapersonal;
(5) Linguistic-verbal;
(6) Logical-mathematical;
(7) Musical;
(8) Naturalistic;
(9) Visual-spatial.

Never mind their individual definitions now; we can discover later. Right now, let’s practice ME_MI Education 2020:

From out of the blue, show the superimposed image above (which I took 21 November 2010), in the classroom or your home (for homeschoolers), and ask the same question: “What do you see?” Each individual’s answer will tell you where that person’s interest is, which would more or less reflect one’s genius. Genius is where you begin the educational process!

So, now it’s up for the schools to teach the students how – and all those homeschoolers to change their tactics teaching their boys or girls at home!

Got it, genius?@517



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