The ATI Goes After “Smartphones” – I Go After “SmartFarmers”

Is this good news coming from the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) ? “Smartphones, Social Media Become Vital Tools For Farmers Under This Digital Farming Course [1] ” ( Betheena Unite , 30 July 2021, ): Farmers Go Digital – A farmer-youth tandem completes the hands-on activity on smartphone familiarization under the Digital Farmers Program (DFP) training conducted by Agricultural Training Institute Region 2. (above image from ATI Region 2) What the ATI is trying is “to build a pool of digitally-adept farmers and agriculturally-involved youth nationwide.” Farmers better at working their smartphones. The next stage of the ATI training is the DFP to be conducted this August: The DFP 102 this August will center on in-depth agriculture applications and the utilization of social media and smartphones to improve both farming efficiency and productivity. After this course, participants should be able to identify and use agri-related applications from both government and...