Original Conceptually, “Communication For Development” – By Frank A Hilario, Published In 1980

Above, only 6 individual images show in the single photograph, but I say there is a 7thimage. What!? It’s the whole view, from which to derive a single, overall meaning! (See also my last sentence below.)

The above is that of a providential Windows 10 collage in my extension ViewSonic screen, photograph taken by me with my Lumix FZ100 digital camera on 06 May 2018. As far as I can tell, the included images are all mine, lodged in my Lenovo ThinkPad 500 GB laptop. Those are among my available collection of 10,347 photos (no duplicates) dating back 2004; actually, I have more – I have also lost about 20,000 images by my error in reformatting my hard disk in the previous, smaller laptop (Lenovo IdeaPad).

I selected that photograph when I saw the upper left image is that of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) with its slogan “Science with a human face,” and the lower middle image, that of William Dar, then Director General of ICRISAT (from 2000 to 2014), which is based in India, now the current PH Secretary of Agriculture. Talk about coincidences! (Remember, the collage is Windows’, not mine.)

Above is a lesson in Insight, a necessary component of my Theory of Communication for Development (C4D) that I have been blogging about (old acronym “ComDev”) since 2005. In my current list, those C4D concepts I have blogged or will be blogging about are these:

1. Advice from Age for Development (AA4D). Wisdom with years
Education for Development (E4D): Updating knowledge
3. Extension for Development (Ex4D); Media, including digital
 Insight for Development (In4D): Intuition, faith
Proposal for Development (Pr4D): New projects/concepts
Prescription for Development (Rx4D): Given public/private aids
Research for Development (R4D): The very first one I thought of, 41 years after! publishing “Communication for Development” (Sylvatrop December 1980)Googling, I find other people’s “Communication for Development” concepts I have to differentiate mine.

From William Dar, “Research for Development.” From Frank A Hilario, “Communication for Development.” Perfect combination!

For me, “Development” means Growth with Sustainability up to National – starting from the Village. After “It takes a village to raise a child.”

The components of my concepts comprising C4D are, alphabetically arranged:

(1)   Demonstrations– technologies & systems

(2)   Digital records of anything & everything related to agriculture & fisheries

(3)   Insights –seeming truths from previous observations

(4)   Interviewswith participants in a program, project, or activity

(5)   Perspectives– opinions/views on anything

(6)   Photographs– digital/digitalized, from anyone

(7)   Theories – new, workable concepts.

Website above all where any/all the above 7 are accessible, and by which understanding of the C4D components as listed above may be reached. Including theoretical articles about communicationand development in themselves.

Today, I am adopting as slogan for C4D this: “Science with a village face” – which I proudly borrow from the slogan of Mr Dar as head of ICRISAT, based in India (I am based in the Philippines). Now follows a proverb reinvented: “It takes a village to probe science!”@517


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