Wanted: EDEN LOANS Philippines! Encouraging Dedicated Entrepreneurial Niches Via Loans In Organic Agriculture Naturally Suited To The Philippines

I say if we want Organic Agriculture (OA) to grow all over the Philippines, bold/old souls would be encouraged if the Department of Agriculture (DA) had a national fund for lending to OA entrepreneurs.

That is why I have come out with a daring proposal for a P17 Billion Project of the DA that I call:

EDEN LOANS Philippines
(Encouraging Dedicated Entrepreneurial Niches Via Loans In Organic Agriculture Naturally Suited To The Philippines)

The P17 Billion could go to 170,000 individuals with P100,000 loans each. A modest proposal.

Consider. There is no denying that (1) commercial fertilizers multiply farmers’ miseries, and (2) organic fertilizer formulations are advantageous in agriculture, and appropriate for fighting climate change!

When he became PH Secretary of Agriculture in August 2019, almost immediately William Darpronounced a policy of “balanced fertilization” as an appropriate response (“Balanced Fertilization For A Food-Secure Philippines – Secretary Dar,” DA.gov.ph). He was speaking at the opening ceremony of the 4th National Organic Agriculture Scientific Conference held 20 August 2019 at Cauayan, Isabela. That was awesome.

However, with the Russia-Ukraine imbroglio, and with climate change always hovering with dark clouds over our heads, I now propose to Mr Dar this daring concept.

The EDEN LOANS budget is essentially for lending to finance the organic farm undertakings of bolder/older souls in any crop & livestock combination:

No monocrops –
Crop diversification must be a basic requirement. Naturally, livestock may be included in the combination.

No plowing –
That is, no disk plowing of the soil will be allowed, as this destroys the structure of the soil and necessitates further cultivation: harrowing etc.

Rotavation encouraged –
As proven by personal experience of 50+ years of my brother-in-law Enso Casasos, the rotavator or rototiller, driven by either the imported Howard 4-wheel or local hand tractor, is the best machine for cutting up both soil and weeds simultaneously and mixing them together in the same rotating motion, which creates what I call WEALth – “Weeds-Enriched Automatic Layer of Trash Triggering Terrestrial Health” – the beginning of your organic fertilizer already created and distributed for you all over your field!

The above image is from my digital collection, what I now call “The Apple Of My Eye” image I took off my faithful Lenovo Flex 2 laptop, a Windows 10 accidental collage, dated 01 May 2018. Reminding us of Adam’s Apple in the Garden of Eden:

I dare say, if we return the soil to what it was like in the time of Adam & Eve, we will see the rise of a New Eden by negating Climate Change!

With the DA Program “Eden LOANS Philippines” in place, with agriculture visibly not only sustainable but regenerative in terms of Mother Nature and human wealth via organic agriculture, then even the jobless and pitiable migrants in the city will be persuaded to go back to the villages because they know they will thrive there even just by cultivating a patch of ground.

Then will rise in this archipelago The New Garden of Eden!@517


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