PH Presidential Campaign – Niggardly Clever, Narrowly Critical, Negatively Creative!

“Marcos not a hero!” Ha! If you ask me today, none of the 5 leading PH presidential candidates shows half Marcos’ genius. When he was bad, he was very bad; when he was good, he was the best!

He being resurrected in this election, I want to write the constructive story of Ferdinand Edralin Marcos– the destructive story being proudly proclaimed as definitive of the Marcos Legacy, shame on those narrow-minded historians! Not to mention like-minded negative-thinking people, including award-winning journalists and their ilks. They refuse to acknowledge Marcos’ accomplishments!
(Marcos image
[1] from, negative-positive image[2] from

Marcos was a full-blooded Ilocano (FBI), his parents being from Ilocos Norte, and so am I an FBI, my grandfather from Rosario, La Union. Ania’t makunayo?

As my title says, “PH Presidential Campaign – Niggardly Clever, Narrowly Critical, Negatively Creative!” Not one of the 5 leading contenders – Ping Lacson, Bongbong Marcos, Isko Moreno, Manny Pacquiao, and Leni Robredo – is campaigning on high grounds. As a self-styled warrior writer for my country, especially for the millions of poor farmers and fishers, I want to contribute to the insightful exchanges with my critical and creative talents. Now then:

I declare a different Marcos book is called for! Critically fact-filled, creatively written – at 81, I am the senior one-man-band (OMB) to produce it.

If anyone will fund me, a digital OMB – writer, editor, photographer, desktop publisher – I will produce a fact-filled & smart book in 100 days, publish February 2022. Minimum: sangaribu nga ribu.

The book, of 500 pages, will be on the positive contributions of Marcos to Philippine progress in culture and community welfare. The book will stand by itself, an illuminating informative throve as well as an inspiring intellectual thrust, neither attempted by any historian Filipino or foreign.

Why a new Marcos book? More than enough has been written on his bad side; my book will be on his best side.

Personally, I have a debt of gratitude to Marcos, even if he did not know me from Adam – it was his Presidential Decree, PD 607, signed 18 December 1974, that created the Forest Research Institute (FORI) that hired me 16 April 1975, and I became founding Editor In Chief of FORI’s 3 publications: monthly Canopy, quarterly technical journal Sylvatrop, and quarterly popular magazine Habitat.FORI became popular nationally and internationally because of those media. In Habitat’s December 1980 issue appears my theory of Communication for Development (ComDev). My blog ComDev continues my love affair with millions of farmers on fields or hillsides. From print, I have gone on to digital accomplishments. (See my Profile in my blog.) Without Marcos, where would I be?

Science was one strong point of Marcos; he appreciated how powerful it is in promoting the welfare of a people. So, among other institutions, he created the National Science & Development Board (NSDB), now the Department of Science & Technology(DoST); thus, it was DoST that first harnessed PH geothermal power to generate electricity, from the Tiwi Hot Springs in Albay.

And I’ve only just begun!@517




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