Which Should We Cultivate: “Climate Change” Or “Primate Change”? Both!

The ultimate truth is: If we want to counter-cultivate Climate Change, we have to counter-culture Primate Change first!
(“Till & No-Till” image[1] from Health Care Without Harm)

We must regenerate the farm to fight climate change for the better and, to do that, first we foster primate change! Primates – People must change first!

The past comes back always, either to hail us or to haunt us. “Primate Change” both hails and haunts me.

I first wrote about Climate Change more than 14 years ago, on 03 March 2007, published in the American Chronicle, “Primate Change? Or Climate Change? You Choose! – The Blogal Village Voice.” Unfortunately, that digital media has since become a victim of primate change; fortunately, I have a full reproduction of all 4,042 words of it, including the image of the ape (inset above) in my blog The American Frank[2] published on WordPress.com. I was very serious about what I was writing – that essay spread to thirteen (13) pages! single-space, short bond paper. The blog was free, as this one is on Blogger.com, which has the added attractions of being owned, managed and innovated on by Google.

No, I had no idea that in drumming up the world’s awareness on climate change, former US Vice President Al Gore would win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, shared with the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), awarded 12 October 2007.

Today, on my own initiative, I embark seriously on another intellectual adventure: Regenerative Agriculture, or Regenerative Farming – with the shortcuts ReFarmingfor the whole concept and ReFarm for the process.

Example: Instead of disc-plowing the field,
ReFarm it by using a rotavator.

But first, let me list the things I am considering right now for Coverage and Content of Regenerative Farming, that is, instead of Conventional Farming (ConFarming):

1.     Brief Histories of ReFarming & ConFarming

2.     ReFarming & Business Model Selection

3.     ReFarming & Field Selection

4.     ReFarming & Crop Selection

5.     ReFarming & Seed Selection

6.     ReFarming & Soil Enrichment Selection

7.     ReFarming & Field Preparation

8.     ReFarming & Seed Preparation

9.     ReFarming & Seeding / Transplanting

10. ReFarming & Irrigation

11. ReFarming & Weed Control

12. ReFarming & Pest Control

13. ReFarming & Rouging

14. ReFarming & Harvesting

15. ReFarming & Drying The Harvest

16. ReFarming & Bagging & Storage

17. ReFarming & Processing

18. ReFarming & Marketing

19. ReFarming & Preparing For Next Season

Consider #1: Now, why is “Business Model Selection” (BMS) in the list?

In what I shall now refer to as Frank A Hilario’s ReFarming Bible (Slogan: “To ReForm Agriculture”), it is best that everything begins with BMS – the farmer has to select whether he will farm alone, with a group or association, or with a true-blue cooperative.

So, where is regenerative agriculture in that list? Good question! So, there’s more where this is coming from.

I am glad to tell you now that with regenerative agriculture, I am loving agriculture the second time. And now I know it’s true – “Love is lovelier the second time around!”@517




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