Europeans Imaging Green Fertilizers, I Filipino Imaging Black! Introducing My Green-Ground Gold Organic Fertilizer Plus

New, Europeans call it “Green Fertilizer” – being manufactured sans fossil fuel = no greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, no climate change added. Congratulations from this warrior writer in the Philippines!

(above image from

Rachel Donovan says (“First Fossil-Free Fertilizers To Hit The Market In 2023” (13 Jan 2022, Irish Farmers Journal,

These fertilizers (are being) produced using renewable energy, unlike ordinary fertilizer, which is produced using natural gas, a non-renewable energy source.

The producers are a team from Yara, a global producer of fertilizer, and Lantmanne, a Swedish aggie cooperative. In fact, the Yara-Lantmanne (YL) team began testing the commercial viability of green fertilizers in 2019 yet.

Ms Rachel says:

The green fertilizers (are being) produced using ammonia based on renewable energy produced in Europe….. With the program, Lantmannen says it has reduced the climate footprint from wheat cultivation by up to 30% since 2015. With green fertilizers in the mix, the company says the climate impact will be reduced even further by 30%.

Thank you YL!

I will now leave the Europeans in their green fertilizer business while I tell you of my black gold fertilizer campaign business. I am not a businessman in the usual sense, nor do I plan to be – my business is to sell the world the concept of my original Green-Ground Gold (3 Gs) Organic Fertilizer Plus brainchild.

Instead of a business, I just have a brainstorm. So the 3 Gs are free, all yours for the tasking. You obtain the 3 Gs by the process I call “Mulching Matilda” – as follows (I am reproducing from my Christmas Eve essay, “PH Farmers Want Cost Of Fertilizer Way Down – Much Better, Yield & Net Income Way Up!” (24 Dec 2021, RegINA, Queen Mother Earth,

If I were a farmer, my first choice would be what I call now, to be melodramatic about it and memorable, Mulching Matilda. Calling the rotavator “Matilda,” this is what I will cause to happen:

Matilda cuts into the surface of the field shallowly, with all those weeds and crop refuse waiting, so that her rotavator blades cut & mix at the same time soil, weeds & crop refuse – mixing them automatically into a mulch as well as spreading that fresh mulch evenly over the field. Isn’t that wonderful?! Immediately and automatically, that mulch begins to deteriorate as a source of organic fertilizer as well as moisture for the crop.

That is your revolutionary organic mulch already prepared and spread all over your field in the same single operation!

I first called the process “organic rotavation” – see my 06 June 2015 essay, “The New Organic: It's A Revolution!” (A Magazine Called Love, My brother-in-law Inso Casasus had been doing it for 50 years and out-harvesting his rice neighbors who kept imitating him – without ever noticing his Mulching Matilda.

The 3 Gs degrades the total atmospheric GHGs while it enriches farmers in all villages, European or Asian or not!@517


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