A Different Kind Of Lesson From PRDP Operations – Loans For Livelihood Via Multi-Purpose Cooperative. And “We Make Change Work For Women”?

I would never have associated the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) with Cooperatives, or Loans, much less Women, if I did not read the news from PRDP South Luzon Cluster (image above). The PRDP is also an enabler of the capabilities of people! I am reading the PRDP South Luzon Chapter via Facebook sharing by Noel Ocampo Reyes “Paving The Way For A Better Livelihood For All” (Danica A Brutas, 31 March 2022, prdp.da.gov.ph ): From an allowance of PhP500 monthly [for] managing countless records and documentation of minutes, Leonila Regio has been with the Farm Operators of Marinduque Multi-Purpose Cooperative… since… 30 years ago. As the lone employee back then, together with the manager, Leonila continued to perform as an all-around staff. Leonila was the perfect example of continuing to do good, and you’ll do well. Leonila was eventually promoted to Loan Officer , then Treasurer of the cooperative. The coop’s growth led to financial assistance from the PRDP. The coop has...