Any Coming Food Crisis Is Chemical Agriculture-Based; FFF’s Advice Is Organic Agriculture, Healthy For The Farmers, Healthy For The Consumers. “Go Picnic, It’s Organic!” – Frank A Hilario

Today, I am exceedingly glad to write about the Federation of Free Farmers (FFF) for the first time!

This has to do with the package of proposals from Leonardo Q Montemayor, former Secretary of Agriculture and current Board Chair of the FFF, author of “Analysis – Transitioning From Chemical To Organic” (05 May 2021, Rappler, – yes, 1-year old but quite relevant today!
(upper image from Rappler)

Germane, Othel V Campos says PH Secretary of Agriculture William Dar warned: “PH In For A Food Crisis – Dar” (10 May 2022, Manila Standard,

[He] warned of a looming food crisis that could start in the second half of the year as input prices soar and there will be little to buy in the global market.

“Many experts are saying there is indeed a looming crisis. But we’re prepared to handle this,” Dar said at a briefing Wednesday. “We have a directional plan to handle these big challenges.”

The plan, he said, involves rebooting agriculture towards recovery and growth and developing a resilient industry under the Department of Agriculture’s 10-year strategic plan.

Amen! The DA has a P250-Billion budget plan for next year.

I go back to Mr Montemayor’s PH Agriculture “transitioning from chemical to organic agriculture.” I agree with all his recommendations:

1.     All PH farmers adopt organic agriculture. DA “should assist farmers in undertaking a gradual, calibrated reduction of chemical inputs.”

2.     Continue “balanced fertilization” regime but “emphasize farmer-made compost or humus,” because to buy costs P7,000/ha.

3.     The DA and local government units (LGUs) should provide technical, financial and other supports for producing and distributing organic fertilizers. LGUs should devote at least ¼ of their internal revenue allotments to organic agriculture.

4.     The DA should initially provide inputs like seeds and planting materials, even as farmers are trained to produce and save their own seeds.

5.     DA should provide basic equipment, tools and small machineries to farmers. A foundry shop for each village may be financed for repairing, improving and even manufacturing tools & equipment.

6.     Migrate farmers from monocropping to bio-diverse or integrated farming systems. Opportunities: Livestock manure made into compost, and crop refuse fed to animals. Companion cropping can help manage pests & diseases naturally.

7.     “Bahay Kubo Cropping” – “Many farmers have neglected the traditional growing of health-enhancing vegetables.”

8.     “Research, Development, and Extension on Organic Conversion Technologies” with funding from the DA and the Department of Science and Technology.

9.     Education campaign among consumers on the benefits of organic produce. “Consumers must regain awareness of the real costs of chemical agriculture to our health and planetary ecosystem” – Climate change. Consumers must demand healthy and safe foods.

10. There should be “direct consumer-organic farmer partnership” under the Producers’ Linkage with Users & Consumers (PLUS) Scheme. PLUS “will ensure decent income for family farmers.”

Sec Dar, how about allotting from the DA’s P250 Billion P17 Billion for organic agriculture?@517


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