“BS Journalism!” Bullshit? No, “Bright Side Journalism!” That’s What I Am Advising Incoming PCOO Chief Trixie Cruz-Angeles To Use As Basis To Accredit Bloggers Who Can Show Adequate Proof That They Write For The Public Good, Not The Public Bad!

Yes, with the change of administration, let us change our journalism! From the Private Bad to the Public Good.

Jasmin Romerosays, “UP Professor Urges PCOO To Issue Guidelines For Bloggers Covering Malacañang” (22 June 2022, ABS-CBN News, news.abs-cbn.com). To incoming PCOO chief Trixie Cruz-Angeles, here is my advice:

Accredit those who practice “BS Journalism” – not “Bullshit Journalism” but “Bright Side Journalism”– where Bullshit Journalism is always looking for the dark side.

Meanwhile: Any PH billionaire, please fund a multi-million-peso “Noble Prize For Journalism (Peace)” juxtaposed to the “Nobel Prize For Journalism (Peace): Nobel Prize For Social Goof Vs Noble Prize For Social Good!“

The Philippines’ own Maria Ressa won the Nobel Peace Prize2021 with Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov  (The Nobel Prize, nobelprize.org). Yes, s/he won for “BS Journalism, Bad Side Journalism.”

Journalism must be for the public good! Above, Guy Bergersays, “Journalism is a public good” (The Communication Initiative Network, comminit.com). I independent Filipino journalist say, “Only if journalism is designed for the public good!”

For Bright Side Journalism, here is my advice:

As a journalist, how do you handle facts, truths? On 30 Nov 2019, I began calling what I was doing “THiNK Journalism” (see my “New PH Agriculture Calling For New Journalism – You Have A Volunteer Mentor, Frank A Hilario,” THiNK Journalism, ithinkjournalism.blogspot.com). It works out like this:

True? If True,
Helpful? If Helpful,
Inspiring? If Inspiring,
Necessary? If Necessary,
(Creatively enlarging Zig Ziglar’soriginal THINK advice.)

I started blogging in 2000, engaged in what I now call Communication for Village Development in the 21st Century (CoViD21). I have been blogging on the progress of “The New Thinking For Agriculture” (TNT for A) that Secretary of Agriculture William Dar brought in August 2019. Mr Dar’s 2+ years performance applying TNT for A is an enlightening study if you want to practice THiNK! Journalism.

For the public good, PCOO should go after any journalist whose journalism in parts or as a whole:

accredits, not discredits
appreciates, not deprecates
brings people up, not down
completes, not competes!
constructs, not destructs
encourages, not discourages
exults, not insults
gladdens, not saddens
instructs, not distracts
lightens, not frightens
maximizes, not minimizes
nurtures, not tortures
opens doors, not closes them
restores faith, not destroys it
shares good, not bad
shines, not shames
shows love, not hate
solves, not dissolves
strengthens, not straitens
upgrades, not downgrades
verifies, not vilifies.

BS Journalism: Always for Good!

Do I practice what I preach? I’m not always perfect, but I always try! Looking at my blog, from Jan 2020 to June 2022, I blogged 949 essays (including this one), each in words numbering 517 (Frank A Hilario), most of them about PH Agriculture and the salutary words & works of the Secretary of Agriculture. Bright Side, not Bullshit Side. You can check out my blog now, “Towards A New Eden, towardsaneweden.blogspot.com.@517


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