With The Angat Buhay Rotavator In Place, The Girls Can Show The Boys Less Costs & More Returns In Farming – Beauty & Brains!

Girls Vs Boys, using intelligent science with organic vs chemical farming, low cost vs high costs, high returns vs low returns – with the rotavator reinvented by me and Angat Buhay! (“Lifting Life”)

I blogged this Wednesday morning at 6 AM, “Ma'am Leni, Here Is My Proposal For You – Love For Food, Healthy Organic Foods Grown By Girls, Starting With Village Sagñay!” (07 Sept 2022, CoViD21, covid21fah.blogspot.com). I’m proposing a reinvented rotavator. But first, let’s see where I'm coming from through the eyes of others:

You have to empower farmers. Farmbetter says, (undated, “Empower Farmers To Build Resilience To Climate Change,” farmbetter, farmbetter.io):

In 2019 we created farmbetter – a mobile app… to put tailored and actionable know-how directly in the hands of the farmer.

That “farmbetter” is artificial intelligence (AI) in aid of conventional agriculture – nice, but hardly anti-Climate Change!

IoT For All says (“Smart Farming: The Future Of Agriculture,” IoT For All, iotforall.com): “Smart farming refers to managing farms using modern Information and communication technologies.” I agree, but IoT today will bring you only Conventional Agriculture (CA), not Regenerative Agriculture (RA), which is my personal Mission Impossible! Via the Angat Buhay rotavator, my RA brings you much farming rewards and much more punishments to Climate Change.

Gevo says (undated, “Better Methods Improve Crop Yields The Right Way,” Gevo.com, gevo.com):

It all starts with the soil. Healthy soil enables renewable, sustainable, carbon raw materials. Around our plant in Luverne, Minnesota, soil carbon is increasing as farmers use sustainable farming practices.

I agree 100%. starts with the soil – and the “Angat Buhay rotavator” (“AB Rotavator”), gives us brains & beauty farming, insures that, as it creates an automatic layer of organic mulch – zero labor collecting decomposing/decomposable materials to make compost and spreading all that all over the field.

FAO says (Undated “Why Mechanization Is Important,” FAO, fao.org):

Mechanization is a crucial input for agricultural crop production and one that historically has been neglected in the context of developing countries. Factors that reduce the availability of farm power compromise the ability to cultivate sufficient land and have long been recognized as a source of poverty, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Increasing the power supply to agriculture means that more tasks can be completed at the right time and greater areas can be farmed to produce greater quantities of crops while conserving natural resources. Applying new technologies that are environmentally friendly enables farmers to produce crops more efficiently by using less power.

FAO, that’s great! Without mechanization, farming is limited. Now then, with my brains & beauty farming mechanization, guess what?
(“Girl with produce” from iStock, istockphoto.com)

Mechanization via 1 Samson of a machine fighting 2 Goliaths: Farmer Poverty and Climate Change. I’m now inciting & exciting the girls to beat the boys in farming – with Angat Buhay and me reinventing the rotavator, so that even non-farming girls will be able to show the farming boys how to be intelligent farmers – with much less costs, with much more returns!@517


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