William Dar Inspires The New PH Agriculture Symbol – The New Madonna & Child!

Saw this one today, 27 February 2020, on Facebook: “Nurturing Ani At Kita” it says on the bulletin board. This is derived from the Department of Agriculture, DA’s slogan “Masaganang Ani At Mataas Na Kita” (Bountiful Harvests And Bounteous Income, my translation). Here are early 2 Facebook comments:

Robert Domoguen: “Nurturing… and sustainable development. Great theme, Sir.

Ravindra Joshi: “The focus is crystal clear and targets bulls-eyed. Philippine Agriculture is now starting to make great (strides) under Secretary Dr William Dar’s leadership. Key is everyone needs to be fully (engaged) and be passionate. Congratulations to the DA Team.”

With/out meaning to, Secretary of Agriculture William Dar/Manong Willie has proclaimed a new symbol for the emergence of a vibrant PH Agriculture under his headship at the Department of Agriculture, DA: “Nurturing Ani At Kita” – literally, Nurturing Yield & Income. This comes from the slogan for Manong Willie’s ““New Thinking for Agriculture” in which are embedded “The Eight Paradigms” that require (1) modernization, (2) industrialization, (3) exports, (4) farm consolidation, (5) infrastructure, (6) budgets & investments, (7) legislative support, and (8) roadmap development.

Yes Sir! Personally, for the new PH Agriculture, I look at the feminine figures above as, together, making a new, modern Maternal & Caring Mother & Child,MC2 , indeed signifying abundant harvest & abundant life, with love of family nurturing farm nurturing plenty.

Dios ti agngina, Manong Willie, for inspiring your country! God will repay much!

Above the image, the Facebook note says: “Nurturing Ani at Kita for Inclusive and Sustainable Development: The key message at the DA Mancom Meeting in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte!” I see Gross Domestic Prosperity, GDP2, inclusive of the poor farmers, inclusive of the environment, sustainable for all.

I Ilocano can see the Management Committee meeting in Laoag City is symbolic: Manong Willie is Ilocano. The mother and child figures do not necessarily have Ilocano features, but I can see the Ilocano-ness in the determination in their eyes! The Ilocanos are known for their frugality, flexibility, and grit even or especially in adverse environments. And what adverse environments does PH Agriculture have right now?!

Why are Ani and Kita shown as females? Because the Filipinos have a matriarchal society! I say:

In these islands and nowhere else in the world, the females are more equal than the males! And we Filipino males bow to that.

Also note that Ani and Kita are relatively young ones – just like our national hero Jose Rizal had in mind when he wrote a poem when he was 18 and a student at the University of Santo Tomas; the last line of the first stanza of his “A La Juventud Filipina” (To The Youth Of The Philippines, my translation) goes: “bella esperanza de la patria mía!” (beautiful hope of the fatherland, my translation). Mario Guariña calls the whole poem “The Poetry Of Patriotism[1].” Now I say “Nurturing Ani at Kita” is the world’s shortest poetry of agricultural development.

Now I see in PH Agriculture The Beautiful Hope of the Fatherland!@517

[1] https://opinion.inquirer.net/75728/jose-rizal-the-poetry-of-patriotism


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