Nicky Perlas – Health Or Wealth Is A Cruel Choice!

We need a Balance, and the continuing Luzon Lockdown is cruelty against Reason.

Canada One says of its own image (above)[1]:
Covid-19: Saving Lives vs Saving the Economy:
Getting This Wrong Could Be Devastating.

Health vs Wealth. I say Canada One is either short-sighted or cross-eyed.

Canada One fails to realize a 3rd choice –
the one it itself constructed for all to see!

Looking at the balance it built, Canada One sees only an apocalyptic vision.

Wake up, Canada One!
You do not know you constructed a balance – literally!
Meaning? Both sides equal.
Which means we can choose both.
If we are using our head!

Which is exactly what Filipino genius Nicky Perlas sees that I see in his  
Open Letter To Rodrigo R Duterte, President, Republic Of The Philippines.

And so on one side, Nicky tells President Rodrigo Roa Duterte:

Mr President: Given the incomplete and sketchy scientific and global information available to you then, you understandably had no real choice but to lock down the entire country in an attempt to control Covid-19 infections and deaths. Your quick and decisive action gave the nation some breathing space in the face of the unknown.

That was one month ago; Nicky’s letter is dated 18 April 2020.

As you acknowledged from your recent addresses to the nation, you are now caught in the middle of a cruel choice: Saving lives or saving the economy?

Not a balanced proposition, I say.

What if… a second wave will hit the nation, a side-effect of the lockdown and flattening the curve approach? We are already beginning to witness this in China.

Second wave – getting this wrong could be devastating!

Meanwhile, Mr President, our own Department of Health, DoH, is IV-feeding media into frenzy!

The figures from DoH, which then (get) press coverage, overstate the number of infections… (including test results with) large numbers of false positives. (Those) inaccurate test results create unnecessary panic and hysteria among our citizens.

I say, there are 2 culprits in there: DoH and Media. The DoH hyper-ventilates and, without counterchecking with experts, the Media shows its toothy grin as it disseminates those inaccurate numbers. Mr President, “In fact, in your televised Cabinet Meeting on April 9, the Secretary of (Health) acknowledged the declining figures of infection.” Facts.

The declining rate of new cases and low death rates… indicate that the virus behind Covid-19 is not a virulent as feared. At most, it is a stronger version of the flu as scientists from all over the world are discovering. 

Well, Mr President, we all fear it because the media wants us to. There’s media agenda.

The Philippines has suffered more deaths from pneumonia and flu (than) from Covid-19 for the same (length) of time. Yet we never locked down our society every time there was pneumonia or flu epidemic… Continued lockdown and social distancing will predispose the country to another epidemic wave of the Covid-19.

Wake up, Mr President!
We have constructed a bad balance.
The continuing lockdown is healthy
neither for our people nor economy!@


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