PH Media & Farmer Leaders Have Kept Pinoy Farmers Poor For 100 Years – We Should All Protest!

Pinoy farmers, arise! 

You have nothing to lose but your chains to
your beloved but misLed farmer leaders and
your popular but misGuided farm magazines & online media!

Those are the shocking truths, and it took me 13 years to see them and say them. Finally, the ugly aggie truths will set us free! (superimposed protest images from Vector State[1])

When I became international consulting writer for the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, ICRISAT, based in India, under the leadership of Director General William Dar/Manong Willie, who is now PH Secretary of Agriculture, I began to know about farmers not being able to escape the poverty trap, and I started to realize:

How our mass media kept our farmers ignorant, actually.
How our farmer leaders kept their farmers ignorant about the same things.

How? They were all ignorant of the same things!

We have to pity our farmers who have remained quite poor despite quite rich sciences, technologies and systems.

You if you do not help the farmers escape the 5-6 Trap;
if you do not help them escape the Marketing Trap –
then you as farmer leader are not a friend.
You are not leading them to:


I will repeat it because it is all-important:


Your farmer leader never teaches and helps and guides and inspires you the farmer to become business-minded from seed to spoon, so you will never rise from poverty – your leader is not your friend.

Your favorite media will not tell you about cultivating entrepreneurship – the media is not your friend either! As in the above image, Business Diary Philippineswill not tell farmers how to cultivate not only their cashew crop and nottell farmers how to cultivate their entrepreneurship, so that they can rise from poverty and stay up there!

I say, farmers arise and demand that PH media be truly business-minded so that you can rescue yourselves from poverty!

I say, farmers arise and demand that the farm leaders learn entrepreneurship in order to teach the farmers in their groups so that they can escape from being the victims of usurers and merchants!

In the meantime, Pinoy farmers, I know the DA, under Manong Willie, will listen to your entrepreneurial requests. Ask and the DA will help each one of you become business-minded, income-oriented – providing you all kinds of assistances from acquiring good seeds to arranging mutually beneficial marketing arrangements with consumer groups or institutions.

The DA can work through what I call Super Coop. In 2014, I submitted a proposal to the Senate office of Cynthia Villar to file a bill to set up Super Coops all over the Philippines. A Super Coop is your multi-purpose coop fully assisted by the public and private sectors to help farmer members to mind their own businesses so that they can rise from poverty – and sustain themselves.

I say, it’s time for Pinoy farmers to picket the Senate to legislate for Super Coops now!@517


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