PH Agriculture – Now, “Technologies And Innovations Are The Engines Of Growth,” So Where Are We?

Going with Research, Growing with Extension

We don’t – well,, Idon’t – associate the Department of Agriculture, DA, with Research, so it is a little unsettling that I read the news item by ANN, “Agri Research Centers To Receive Funding For Enhanced Tech Development And Extension[1] (Author Not Named, 16 September 2020, (Research-Action[2] image from

Research and Extension, R&E. So, doing its own research and extending the results to the farmers and fishers by way of technology or system, the DA is developing PH Agriculture.

So now, as far as I can see, R&E will be receiving the proper primordial attention in the countryside as Secretary of Agriculture William Dar has “directed the upgrading of the Regional Integrated Agricultural Research Centers, RIARCs, of the Department of Agriculture, DA, nationwide to launch the development of technology systems that would greatly improve Philippine agriculture,” according to ANN.

During the inauguration of the Regional Technology Extension Center in Magalang, Pampanga on 14 September, Mr Dar said:

We need to capacitate you (RIARCs) in terms of good laboratories, facilities, and equipment so that you can do your job in research and translate research outputs into something that we can massively give out to the farming and fishing communities.

Unlike in an academic setting, the R&E results that the RIARCS are getting do not go into publications but rather are meant for “(giving) out to the farming and fishing communities,” as according to Mr Dar.

Today, there are 15 RIARCS – that is, 1 each in 10 regions, 2 in Region 4 (4a & 4b), plus 1 each in CAR (located in Baguio City), CARAGA (Agusan del Sur), and ARMM (Cotabato City).

So each of the RIARCS will be receiving P50 million to upgrade its capacities and capabilities. The source of fund is the “Bayanihan to Recover as One Act” or “Bayanihan 2.” High-quality seeds, breeds of livestock and poultry, are expected to be developed among other innovations and replicated in every region to improve agriculture.

Mr Dar also said:

I’m with Senator Villar in terms of really having to reorient the system that yes, technologies and innovations are the engines of growth for modern and industrialized agriculture.

Mr Dar also said that the DA must “ensure that the programs and trainings to be implemented in the communities are technology-based or make use of technologies that improve productivity per unit area,” according to Gumamela Celes Bejarin of DA-AFID.

Here, I have personal knowledge of R&E as implemented by the RIARCS. Early this month, the RIARC of Region 1, headed by Jovita M Datuin, Manager, delivered to our Nagkaisa Multipurpose Cooperative, in my hometown of Asingan, Pangasinan, quite a number of native chickens to be raised by coop members. (See my essay, “Dream Come True – Native PH Chickens Laying 200 Eggs A Year![3]” 11 September 2020, Brave New World). Thank you Ma’am!

This is RIARCS research being extended to the village. So, the engines of growth can be as small as chicken eggs!@517





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