DepEd, You Can Teach Better Modular Teaching – If You Listen To My Distance Teaching!

Modular Learning is Out Of This World!

My professional concerns, the
State Colleges & Universities,
are not alarmed – and they should be.
This is a teacher speaking, UP ’65.
(“Out Of This Worl
d[1]image from

Most of all, the Department of Education,
DepEd, hell-bent on Modular Learning,
should now wake up to the Truth Dragons
stalking students, male & female!

“Now that school and home are the same place” – to change that perspective, we have to change the way we teach.

Modular learning assumes that the home is just another classroom, if individual. So, modular requires that students react as in a normal class, and that is insane!

Modular is crazy! See the images above that I have composed. If you don’t see it at once, it works like this:

On her own, the first girl, the one in the image I superimposed with the title “Out Of This World,” enjoys chasing dragons & butterflies: Girl Blissful.

The second girl is intensely looking into the monitor of her laptop: Girl Bothered. She is Sophia Azcona, the author of the essay “A 17-Year-Old's Thoughts On Happiness During The Pandemic” (20 October 2020, Lost in thoughts. Thinking these:

I'm the type of person that feels more comfortable
at school than at home.... But now that school
and home are in the same place, my mind,
heart, and soul are confused.

Confused! And I can tell from her whole essay that she is an extraordinary girl. She would be a great writer, but not a great learner – what with the counter-productive Modular Education she is going through.

My personal philosophy helps me get through the hard times, but the lack of physical affection, spontaneity, and connection with teachers and friends does take a big toll.

At home (school), you are alone even if you are not; you are connected even if you are not!

School (is) now taking up most, if not all of a student's time.

If I were a student, I would not mind being preoccupied with school even while at home, provided what I’m doing is not mechanical. And so I believe:

DepEd teachers should be Teaching Thinking
in any and all subjects.

Here’s a surprising thinking example from Agriculture – Planting rice for higher yield using a simple technique: Growing more tillers.

Tillers produce the panicles that produce the palays that produce the harvest – the more tillers your rice seedlings have all over the field, the higher your cavans per hectare.

Do: Transplant single seedlings equidistant from each other, allowing each to grow more tillers.

The Tiller Lesson embedded in those 43 words above, agriculturists know! But they have yet to teach it. The text is from the book in my head – I doubt you can find it in any other teacher’s head. Like student Sophia’s, this teacher’s mind works in freedom.

Thinking freedom is beautiful!

Yes: Think!

The Beauty of Thinking is what should
be taught in any subject in school,
especially when your school is your home!@




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