A Different “Merry Christmas!” From PH Secretary Of Agriculture William Dar


“DA To Pursue Systematic, Strategic Approaches To Further ‘Grow’ Agri-Fishery Sector.” That is the title of the latest press release from the Department of Agriculture, DA. The paragraphs that follow count exactly 25 – by content, it really looks and sounds like Secretary of Agriculture William Dar is wishing every Filipino “Merry Christmas!”

I don’t think he planned it, but I find it the most significant, substantive, solid and stimulating singular statement from the DA to us Filipinos about the Promise of Agriculture & Fisheries to this archipelago in the Pacific Ocean.

The very first sentence reads like a “summary” of the DA’s Christmas Wish for the whole country:

The Department of Agriculture (DA) will implement key strategies to “grow” and fuel the transformation of the Philippine agriculture and fishery sector into a modernized and industrialized economic powerhouse.

(From Depositphotos.com, the superimposed image of the glowing Christmas tree[1] is shaped like the Philippines, isn’t it?!)

“Transition into a modernized & industrialized economic powerhouse.” If we target to be Good, we might as well target to be Best!

Mr Dar tells the DA people:

We must be purpose-driven, ensuring that our programs and projects are of value, not only to recipients but more significantly to the whole society in real terms.

All for one, one for all!

How does the DA plan on delivering those services?

At the core of this strategy is farm clustering and consolidation, dubbed as “Bayanihan Agri Cluster” or BAC that aims to converge and integrate government interventions such as provision of loans, farm mechanization, free seeds and fertilizers, and market support.

“Such as” makes it an incomplete list, but we can see already how they will greatly affect the farmers who produce our food:

Loans – 
These are easy loans from government, not from usurers, not 5-6. Farmers now have all the reasons for doing good farming because they have enough funds.

Farm mechanization – 
The DA is not going to wait for the Filipino farmer to mechanize his farming – the DA is mechanizing it now! Financing him to either hire or buy.

Free seeds and fertilizers – 
No farmer will have the misfortune of using bad seeds because the free seeds from the DA are guaranteed. Fertilizers will be free, so that there is no excuse for not applying.

Market support – 
The singularly crucial support of the public & private sectors in the matter of bringing food from the farm to the market to the consumer will continue to be carried out efficiently.

I must reiterate that the DA’s Christmas Wish List has “farm clustering and consolidation” – Bayanihan Agri Cluster or BAC – as the core of the overall strategy. “We must empower our farmers and fishers through collective action so they will have the opportunity to partner with the different actors in the industry.”

More and more, the DA will develop farming and fishing in terms not of individuals but associations, cooperatives, groups. The DA will “vigorously implement systematic, inclusive approaches (from below).” Inclusive partnering for inclusive development. All for one, one for all!@517



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