“Procrastination Is The Thief Of Time” – Edward Young, British Poet & Dramatist. “Procrastination Is The Chef Of Thoughts!” – Frank A Hilario, Filipino Blogger For Agriculture

British Poet Mr Young warns you not to procrastinate.
Filipino Blogger Mr Hilario wants you to procrastinate!

To procrastinateis “to put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness[1] (thefreedictionary.com). Above, look at the map/island of Procrastination in the Facebook post of Bruce Tolentino(graphic by Gemma Correll, Evernote.)

I am the world’s fastest blogger and the most prolific in Agriculture. A “River of Excuses” runs through Procrastination Island. I love it! It is the secret of my creativity.

Procrastination is postponing an act. As a creative writer, I always do that – I do not write continuously. Along the way, many Procrastination moments I make. A Procrastination moment pays in terms of a creative idea or two.

Procrastination is searching for more materials even if you are not in doubt. You need the thoughts of others if you want to be more creative than you already are.

Yes, Procrastination is doing something else other than writing. Like washing a pair of socks. Then you return with fresh ideas.

Yes, Procrastination is watching TV, or Facebook, when you should be writing. When you go back to your writing, your thinking is different.  

Yes, Procrastination is playing games on TV or the computer. When it’s Game Over, your mind is fresh to continue your Game of Writing!

Yes, Procrastination is the Thief of Time. Precisely! That is the Idea! Let it steal your time. When it’s over, you’re more energized!

Yes, Procrastination is distracting yourself by any means necessary. When you recover your sense of purpose, your mind is now ready and rich with other ideas.

Yes, Procrastination is coffee breaks. I love coffee breaks! My favorite is steaming hot coffee – ouch! Too hot. (Nescafe Brown.)

Procrastination is visiting your clothes cabinet and trying to find out where did you put your facemask last? Your frustration will pay for itself in distracting you from writing – when you go back to it, you have other ideas in mind. That’s creativity.

Yes, Procrastination is daydreaming.

Yes, Procrastination is online shopping.

Yes, Procrastination is thinking of the good things you want to do. And not do it. Yet.

Yes, Procrastination is being afraid of monsters. The ones your mind is able to concoct without any reason at all.

Yes, Procrastination is being afraid of the unknown.

Yes, Procrastination is napping. Just lying down and doing nothing is good for the body – you look at the ceiling and you will see something else. Good for thinking!

Yes, Procrastination is visiting the social media forest. I visit my Gmail quickly and then browse for long on Facebook, reading and reading and reading – until a thought strikes me. That’s me urging Serendipity to appear, and it almost always does.

For Unbelievable Creativity, try Procrastination sometimes! Procrastination is the Thief of Time. Exactly! Chef of Thoughts. Believe me. Frank A Hilario is the world’s most creative blogger alive, and he speaks from His Experience of Procrastination!@517



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