WFH, Writing From Home Everyday In 2020, On The Boring Topic Of Agriculture Yet!

I’m an unusual WFH, writer from home. Above image: screen grab from BraveNewWorld@PH, my blog. Pasted head of me taken 15 July 2014, 6 years ago, by Yja Hilario with Lolo’s Lumix  FZ100 camera (painterized by Lolo).

I have just finished going over the titles of my essays all of 2020 in this blog of mine, BraveNewWorld@PH,, and I see that I published about 400 essays last year alone. I turned 80 on 17 September 2020 – how many communicators are as blog productive as I am in a dull subject like Agriculture? And to write each essay, each 517 words, I never go out and interview people?! (I call each one “essay” because, like this, it is written in the personal, me-to-you style.)

It’s called creativity.

And here are essays selected from my daily blogposts last year, 2020, from January to December:

21 January 2020: “How Are PH Media Treating The DA And Secretary William Dar? Poorly!”

16 February 2020: “PH Public Science And Public Service – More Bananas, Please!”

29 May 2020: “Given The Lockdown, How Media Can Be Revolutionary Many Times Over!

31 July 2020: “RCEF For PH Agriculture: Farmers Not Yet Business-Aware. Scientists Not So Active. Extensionists Not So Alive!”

10 August 2020: “Postharvest – To Make 5Ps For The New PH DA Under Secretary Of Agriculture William Dar!”

02 September 2020: “Baguio Cabbage – The Market Must Come First Before Supply”

30 September 2020: “Where Did Those P40 Million Worth Of Catsup Go! Ketchup To Catch Up With Tomato Farmers In The Ilocos – William Dar”

24 October 2020: “Hybrid Rice Gives Farmers Higher Gross Income Of P116,000/Ha – Where Is The Problem There?”

22 November 2020: “'Mr Asian Science Leader' He Is To Me”

30 December 2020: “Jose Rizal As The Happy Martyr! And As Agriculturist, Businessman & Educator”

All that is me encouraging any and all those who wish to write in the broad topic of Agriculture.

I’m committed to practice what I call communication for development, ComDev, every time. ComDev is dissimilar to UPLB’s or Nora Quebral’s development communication, DevCom, I declare. ComDev is a deliberate attempt to enlighten someone on a chosen subject – and in sequence when necessary – consciously towards progress of the reader and/or community, in this case in Agriculture.

BraveNewWorld@PH is the best example of ComDev!

ComDev is a conscious, sustained effort to bring about positive change in the art or act of a farmer, technician, extensionist, leader, whoever in the village.

Where there is a will, there is a way!

Why am I writing on Agriculture full-time? Nobody is doing it, why not me? I believe Agriculture is the key to this archipelago’s development.

For the rest of my years – I pray to God I will reach 120, ha ha, or at least 97 – I am devoting to writing about the positive, advantageous, beneficial, new and/or improved, sustainable theories and practices in agriculture. That is to say, if I think it can help farming, I will write about it.

As long as I am able, everyday.@517



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