04, The More The Merrier – Mixed Topics To Write Into 1 Coherent Story

To write one solid, smooth-reading, 1000-word essay on several unrelated topics, I will now directly use my writing inspiration The More The Merrier (TM2) on somebody else’s multiple topics.

Let me apply TM2  to the problem of PhilStar Global columnist Cito Beltranin his published column of 12 February 2021 titled “Pigs, LTO, Hospitals, Etc[1]” (PhilStar.com). His piece is all of 991 words, including title and author. His lament is the very first sentence of his column:

“So many topics, so little space!”

I will now write an essay using TM2, which I invented Sunday, Valentine’s Day. (Which reminds me; The More The Merrier is my Valentine’s gift to columnists, communicators, editorialists, preachers, speakers, and writers of any kind. TM2 enables you to say more with less. Proof: This whole essay is only 517 words, almost 2x smaller than Mr Beltran’s.)

The image I show above, self-titled “The More The Merrier,” is sexual in orientation, so why did I choose it? Because it’s a perfect illustration of The More, The Merrier– several little messages but only 1 main message, repeated throughout: Love. The slogan of its source, LB111, is “Moving Beyond Monogamy.” Now, I have moved it beyond a sexist to a pregnant view!
(above image
[2]” from Lab111.nl, which I elongated a little)

So, here’s how I would have written “Pigs, LTO, Hospitals, Etc.” if I were the columnist – TM2 is using a single concept that ties up everything; this time, that concept is management:

1.   Managing African swine fever;

2.   Managing the LTO;

3.   Managing vaccination of foreigners; and

4.   Managing public hospitals.

Managing The African Swine Fever (ASF)
Under Secretary of Agriculture William Dar, the Department of Agriculture (DA) is moving heaven and earth and public funds for soft loans for swine husbandry, or wifery – because you have to devote much of your time to grow pigs and, yes, you have to love them. Filipinos or Filipinas know and have always been willing to take the risk of piggery; same risk as pregnancy, I suppose. Noted: The DA is trying to contain the ASF, partnering with the private sector and local government units everywhere.

Managing The Land Transportation Office (LTO)
Legislators are zeroing in on the LTO regarding motor vehicle-related issues, particularly the Private Motor Vehicle Inspection Centers (PMVIC) controversy. Mr Beltran says, “I myself want to put a stop to the PMVIC program, but let us be clear about one thing, this program was hatched by the Department of Transportation and NOT the LTO.”

Managing Vaccination Of Foreigners
What is the plan of the Department of Health (DoH) for the COVID vaccination of foreigners, primarily permanent residents or those stuck in the Philippines? Mr Beltran says, “I was told that foreign embassies have no plan or can’t undertake such an operation, which leaves several hundred foreign spouses of Filipinos/Filipinas worried that they have been left out.” DoH!

I’m done. See? You can manage to write on unrelated topics, uniting them with a single idea! It’s called creativity.@BS




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