One Lesson Ignored In The Chaos Caused By Covid – Health Begins At Home!

Today’s Reminder: Always, we have been our first line of defense against sickness. Yes: Now, “health” refers to “body, mind, spirit and soul” taken together. Yes: Health begins at home.

(“Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul” image[1] by Mimi Clark, Gaia Blooming, Pinterest)
(“Health Begins At Home” imag
e[2] from CDC-TV,

I myself did not realize that until today when I saw Irma Santos Paulme’s Facebook sharing 14 September 2021:

We, the healthcare workers, are not your frontliners any longer. We are (now) your LAST LINE OF DEFENSE.
YOU, my fellow people, are the frontliners now.
The war has shifted to the community and it is up to you. This cannot be won in the confines of the hospital…
Dr B Calinawagan
Let this sink in.

Thank you, Dr B Calinawagan, whoever you are! I see: Your family name means Enlightenment. Thank you for enlightening us even if it’s 2 years late! We must now pay attention to ourselves more than ever.

Now, using Chrome, I googled for “health begins at home” and got 20,600 results. That many.

I browse. I choose Virginia Laird who says, “Good Mental Health Begins at Home[3] (The Joint Chiropractic):

Health and wellness experts admit that managing your health has a great deal to do with what you eat. For this reason it is suggested that you consume a well-balanced diet. This is generally a diet full of fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins including chicken and fish.

Fruits, vegetables, lean proteins.

Allanna Treweeksays (10 October 2019, “Health Begins At Home[4],” Melville Osteopathy): “We could ask ourselves: “what can I do right here, right now?”

What one small change could you make today – drink a lemon water upon rising, add an extra glass or two of water during the day or eat a piece of fruit…

Maybe… without realizing (it), you’ve been cooped up inside for hours – take a step outside and take three deliberate breaths of fresh air or lift up your arms and stretch…

Step outside and lift up your arms and stretch…

Simply acknowledging what your feelings are is a key factor in emotional wellbeing… ask yourself – how am I actually feeling right now – can help shift stuck energy and restore a bit of flow to your day….

Acknowledging: How am I feeling right now?

… Something as little as a quick phone call with a dear friend or cuddle with a fur baby can provide an instant reset to lower levels of stress.

A quick phone call…

Mind, thoughts & meditation
Our brain is already a pretty busy organ so if we can take the load off – even for a moment, it’s going to appreciate the respite. Three breaths while paying focused attention to the inflow and outflow of air can be enough to short-circuit looping thoughts and provide a moment of peace.

Three breaths.

Or, google or read or look for just 1 tip to keep you happy. I already found mine: blogging every single day!@517






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