Regenerative Thinking… Regenerative Agriculture In The Philippines

Yes, CoVID21..... Tuesday, 23 November, my blog’s title was “Communication for Development (ComDev).” Wednesday, 24 November, my blog’s title became “Communication for Village Development 2021 (CoVID21).”

Yes! I’m trying to get more attention from more people – in telling more than the truth!

As I say in my Profile About Me: “Not Maria Ressa’s type, mine is THiNK! Journalism: True+ Helpful+ Inspiring+ Necessary+ Kind!” Instead of constantly criticizing, which is being hurtful, we should go beyond being truthful. We happily open our mouth to hurt, but we hardly open our hands to help!

Yes, the other day, Wednesday, I recreated myself, in a manner of speaking! I did not know it previously, but it so happens that in history, on that date was published the book Origin Of The Species. Editors say[1] that on 24 November 1859, Charles Darwin published Origin Of Species, saying “that man and ape shared a common ancestor. He was said to be a heretic, but his theory was scientifically sound” (“This Day In History: 11/24/1859 – Darwin’s Origin Of Species”).

Without changing the Internet address, I changed my blog’s name “Communication for Development (ComDev);” now it marks the origin of a new species of communication: “Communication for Village Development (CoVID)” – to which I have added the year of origin, hence “CoVID21.” Scary? Wonderful!

The name-concept change came about when I saw what my son Virtual Careers author & master Jomar Hilario said Wednesday, 24 November 2021, in one Facebook come-on post, as his advice to would-be Virtual Assistants (VAs) in order to increase their chances of attracting work-from-home (WFH) business offers. Jomar has elevated the art of being VAs to the art of Virtual Careers (VCs) – where “VCs” emphasizes making virtual assistance a profession, not simply an it-comes-when-it-comes affair.

My son Jomar said: “You create your ‘place in this world’ and you jumpstart your ‘online influencer presence.’"

And that made me decide that I want to create my place in this digital world and jumpstart my own influencer presence. Hence my blog’s clearly directed new name.

I thought that fitmy being a self-styled WFH warrior worker for Philippine agriculture & related fields – being all-digital writer, rewriter, editor, layout artist, up to and including being desktop publisher coming out with the portable document format (pdf) prior to actual printing for copies. (Pdf is a secret/non-secret you should explore.) I have worked on 100% digital copies of countless thesis manuscripts, newsletters, journals, and books. At home, I am involved in my digital universe, my 21-year-old blog affair.

Actually, this name-cum-communication-specific-direction-change all started on Thursday, 11 November 2021, when I saw on Facebook Nenita Vargas Caceres’ sharing:

“Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excitesyou and scares you at the same time” – Bob Proctor.

Yes! I decided that to achieve that Goliath of a Goal, like David I must propel a stone, mine being a new species of thinking, into the still waters of Conventional Agriculture and work to divert it to Regenerative Agriculture.

Regenerative waters, here we drink!@517



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