In PH, The Internet Goes To School – Only In The Central Luzon State University (CLSU)!

In the Philippines, we have been under Covid19 lockdown starting February 2020 for 2 years, 730 days. A Facebook hound, I see the restrictions have not encouraged educators to travel the Information Superhighway to move the farmers in the manner of Pilgrims’ Progress. Congratulations to Central Luzon State University (CLSU) – of all the state colleges & universities (SCUs), you are #1!

But first, we have to teach the teachers. As an educator (BSA Ag Edu UP '65, Civil Service Professional 1964), a self-appointed warrior writer for agriculture, and an indefatigable blogger, I notice that our SCUs, including my alma mater UP Los Baños, have yet to come out with 100% Internet-based courses and/or educational modules for farmers. SCUs have been on an informational intellectual isolation!

I am excited the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) and CLSU have come up with an Internet-initiated instructional program: “eFARM.” Merlina Hernando-Malipot says (“CHEd, Central Luzon State U Launch eFARM Academy,” 16 Feb 2022, Manila Bulletin,

To help education stakeholders, the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) and the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) in Nueva Ecija launched the eFARM (Engaging Food and Agriculture Resources Management) Academy Program. Funded by the CHEd, the P15.4-million project aims to bring technologies and innovations to local and foreign students, life-long learners, farmers, local government units, and Philippine and foreign higher education institutions (HEIs).

CHEd Chair Popoy De Vera “emphasized that the eFARM Academy is part of the Education Tourism (EduTourism) initiative of CHEd that brings together HEIs, local government units (LGUs), and local communities to develop knowledge products, technologies, and activities to make local areas tourist destinations.” eFARM has a fund of P15.4 million from CHEd.

EduTourism – I can see that eFARM’s innovation is turning tourist spots into knowledge areas to attract visitors to stay and learn as well. This is an intellectual improvement of Farm Tourism.

On his part, CLSU President Edgar Orden says eFARM “gives emphasis on the immediate need of educating the world on matters that concern food security.” Project Leader of the eFARM is Gella Patria L Abella of the CLSU Institute for Climate Change & Environmental Management.

[Aside: I hope they discover how organic agriculture can maximize man’s power against climate change – they can read my 10 Feb 2022 essay “Organic Agriculture – Simultaneously Solving Farmer Poverty & Bad Health & Climate Change – Killing 3 Global Goliaths With 1 Stone!” For A (Happier) Philippines!]

Eloisa A Mariano says (26 Jan 2022, “CLSU Launches eFARM Academy Website,” there are 2 projects of the eFARM: “eGROW” and “eKitchen.” Project Leaders are Maria Adrielle S Estigoy (eGROW) and Celyrah Castillo (eKitchen).

Ms Eloisa says Renato Reyes, CLSU Vice President for Academic Affairs, says that eFARM “aims to offer and transfer technologies developed by CLSU.” The technologies in eGROW include aromatic and hybrid rice, organic onion, indoor vertical farming, aquashade system, mushroom, goat, and zero-waste pig farming.

Ms Maria Adrielle says:

“We will make agricultural education more accessible, so that everyone (can get) on board the digital express.”@517


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