Vision: PH As Vibrant Agribusiness Country With Millionaire Coops Actively Promoted By The Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC)!

Vision is what those 5 frontrunning PH Presidentiables are not talking about, except somewhat Leni Robredo with her insistent shout – “Gobyernong Tapat, Angat Buhay Lahat” (Faithful Government, Fruitful Lives For All, my translation) – and that means somehow I will vote for her!

The national Vision is important – “Where there is no Vision, the people perish” (Proverbs29:18). “Vision is the desired future” says Bright Future (“Aligning The Vision,” I say:

“Vision is the exciting future!”

I’m looking at farmer loans as the device for that exhilarating future. Catherine Talavera has the latest pertinent news (13 Feb 2022, “DA Releases P5.4 Billion Agri Loans In 2021,” PhilStar Global,

The Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Credit Policy Council (DA-ACPC) released over P5.39 billion worth of loans to agricultural stakeholders last year, in line with its mandate of promoting effective and sustainable delivery of financial services to the countryside.

What is the ultimate aim, nationally? That is the Vision. 

Here is the Citizen’s Charter, 2020 (2nd Edition) of the ACPC, saying:

Vision: The ACPC is the institution on agri-credit and program development that promotes a sustainable and effective delivery of financial services to the countryside.

Nope! That is DesiredState of the Art – Vision should be Desired State of the Country brought about by Desired State of the Art.

My Vision for ACPC is:

Millionaire Coops!

The ACPC should actively engage in culturing agribusiness from cultivated fields to corporate tables, from inexpensive seeds to expensive spoons – via cooperatives in the countryside.

ACPC’s functions were further expanded in scope and coverage in relation to the implementation of nationwide access to a fast, convenient and affordable credit for small farmers and fisherfolk which is ACPC’s sole responsibility…

Not simply releasing loans, not simply making credit available – The ACPC should be encouraging Millionaire Dreamers – especially the young!

Millionaire Coops? Millionaire Borrowers. ACPC has the history. Recruited by ACPC Director Jovita Corpuz, I produced the coffee-table full-color book The Filipino Farmer Is Bankable (8.5x11in, 142pp) on April 2012. During my photoshoots, I came to know a lady enabled by the ACPC to become a millionaire. Of her, I wrote (p39): “Daisy Duranlearned to handle new credit successfully as a borrower of the DA-ACPC Direct Market Linkage Development Program.”
(Duran farm sign from

Life Lesson: The ACPC should be “Loan Paradise of the Philippines!” The ACPC should be aiming at assisting thousands more farmers in thousands more cooperatives to become millionaires. Thousand Millionaire Coops!

Ms Catherine says Secretary of Agriculture William Dar said about the 2022 ACPC report:

The DA-ACPC’s credit programs, such as the Kapital Access for Young Agripreneurs (KAYA), Agrinegosyo (ANYO), and SURE Covid-19, have helped beneficiaries across the country to recover from the damaging effects of the pandemic and other calamities.

The KAYA, ANYO and SURE Covid-19 programs are new – what happened to the old borrowers under old credit programs?

Never mind. Today, I encourage the whole of ACPC to encourage all old/new coop members to dream a millionaire’s dream: Millionaire Farmers!@517


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