“The Greatest Revolution Of All Time!” Frank A Hilario Calls It. “Born Out Of Love” – The New Eden

The greatest revolution of all time suggests itself today – born out of love! An intellectual reaction to Russia’s war on Ukraine on that part adversely affecting energy products. It also revives a lingering love affair of mine 57 years back when I graduated from UP Los Baños. First love never dies? I have always been a rebel thinkerer.

Above, the love image from 123rf.comsuggests The New Garden of Eden where grows Adam’s Apple in its original state: au naturel. Absolutely no chemicals involved. Entirely grown naturally.

Yes, The New Apple. From The Organic Revolution.

Revolution in agriculture. And it will occur in the Philippines first!

Here’s a wake-upper you probably haven’t heard. Luisa Maria Jacinta C Jocson says (“Alternative Fertilizers Touted As Import Costs Rise,” 01 Feb 2022, BusinessWorld, bworldonline.com):

The Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) said farmers must explore non-traditional fertilizers after sharp increases in the price of imported fertilizer. “The challenge is to (reduce) our dependence on imported chemical fertilizers by encouraging the use of non-traditional fertilizers like organic, microbial, and biorational fertilizers,” FPA Executive Director Wilfredo C Roldansaid.

I say, “Don’t panic, go organic!” 100% organic. The greatest revolution I’m telling you about. Because the effects would be worldwide – and unopposed!

Count the results of going 100% organic in farming & gardening now:

Cultivation cost shrinks 10 times. At least 5 times.

“We have been asking the [Department of Agriculture (DA)] since last year to provide subsidies to rice and corn farmers to cover the cost of fertilizer” – the farmers’ group SINAG said. Fertilizer price nearly doubled to P1,600/bag in August 2021; in December, this went up to P2,500/bag. On the average, 10 bags of fertilizers go into every hectare planted.

Ms Luisa Maria says, “(SINAG) said that the government must provide more support to farmers to deal with rising input costs.” They are demanding that the DA subsidize the cost of chemical fertilizers.

Better for the DA to subsidize organic fertilizer (OF) for you farmers. Best if you make your own. Whatever material you use to make OF, the cost should not be that much. (What’s more, I can teach you my 57-year old zero-cost method, “WEALth” – for a glimpse, see my essay “Here’s Looking At The New Agriculture In The New Garden Of Eden!” 12 March 2022, Towards A New Eden, Blogspot.com.)

All foods become healthy – and buyable!

No chemical fertilizers applied, no chemical pesticides sprayed – no unnatural chemicals in or on fruits, leaves, whole vegetables. Consumers will happily buy healthy foods.

Food security is assured 100%.

Because everyone can afford all kinds of food grown by farmers and gardeners, the Philippines will become the new Garden of Eden!

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) disappear.

GHGs from the farms and gardens in these 7000 islands will decrease to zero, none, nil. I expect the pleasant effect we will feel within 2 growing seasons.

So: The best idea, and most revolutionary, is for PH Agriculture to apply 100% organic fertilizer. To Good be the Glory!@517


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