William Dar’s Legacy Of Thinking Blanked By Failure Of Extension In PH Agriculture! Outstanding Example: UP Los Baños Greets Everyone At The Campus Gate With 2 Giant Digital Screens, But Never For Upgrading Agriculture!

Thursday, 30 June 2022 is the last day of William Dar as PH Secretary of Agriculture – I, UP Los Baños alumnus, am unhappy to see him go. I blame the Extension People, mostly in the state universities & colleges (SUCs), led by UPLB, whose social media efforts are aimed mostly at campus visitors & passersby – the SUCs failed to appreciate and afterwards deliver the power of Mr Dar’s unprecedented & unparalleled legacy: “The New Thinking For Agriculture” (TNT for A). The SUCs misinterpreted that dynamite power! (top photo, cropped, taken by me 08 Sept 2018) “I have seen the future. It’s in my browser,” says Ben Watts of Challenge Advisory (13 Sept 2018); I say, to help people nowadays, you use social media, with which people can view and learn via cellphones only. My alma mater failing in social media in the last 20 years, I am not proud of UP Los Baños! (“Media” image from Challenge Advisory, challenge.org ) The so-called “Science Community of Los Baños” comprising of A...