BBM Sir, About The Negative Media, If You Want It Done Right, You Have To Do It Yourself! This Ilocano Recommends Setting Up A Media Group Called “Bloggers for Building Minds Media (BBM Media) – THiNK! Journalism For National Development

All over Facebook, the #1 website of Filipinos, media posts from the North (Ilocano) to lower Luzon (Bicolano) to the Visayas (Bisaya) to the South (Muslim), the news and views are mostly negative. I call it “Stink Journalism.” Mine is “THiNK! Journalism” – and here I volunteer from Asingan, Pangasinan, to help you, Sir Ferdinand “BBM” Marcos Jr, to think development & act positively!

(Image sources: “CNN Live,” Yahoo!News,; “Positive News,” Favpng,

My advice is to fund a new media group whose outputs will soar above Stink Journalism – I call it “THiNK! Journalism,” the concept & term which I invented myself blogging about it almost 5 years ago, on 24 Oct 2017 (“THiNK! Journalism: Calling For Nobler Kinds Of People In Media,” Creative Thinkering,

Now then, BBM Sir, I urge you not simply to call for nobler kinds of people in media but to form a media group yourself, bloggers et al, with strict instructions to be always creative and to always practice THiNK! Journalism. Which works like this:

True is it? If True,
Helpful is it? If Helpful,
Inspiring is it? If Inspiring,
Necessary is it? If Necessary,
Kind is it?
THiNK! Then go ahead with Your Journalism. expressing Your Patriotism.

I am calling your to-be-set-up group
“Bloggers for Building Minds” Media (BBM Media).

I am ready, willing and able to extend my skills in creative writing, editing, layouting, desktop publishing, up to the creation of the portable-document-format (pdf) pages – all digital. After me, you are ready to:

1.     Upload your text + visual output to the website, say,

2.     Print commercial copies. All you need is a commercial printer, and BBM Media will purchase a print-on-demand printer, for instant hard copies in 5 minutes or so!

For BBM Media:
“The sky’s the limit – and your imagination is the sky!”
That quote is my original, 13 years old (see 07 April 2009, “BrainShopping. Now, You Can Forget About BrainStorming!” Frank A Hilario,

With me as all-digital Editor In Chief for BBM Media, nobody will run out of new ideas; new stories! Unparalleled Creativity – How else could I, writer from home (WFH) have bloggedeveryday in the last 3 years, am now 81+?!

Special note: Frank A Hilario has a BS Agriculture degree from UP Los Baños, 1965. I have the sole distinction of being honored as “Outstanding Alumnus for Creative Writing” (2011), the first and the only one so far in the 100-year-plus history of UPLB.

BBM Media – Personally, you could initially fund it with P5 million: Central office, people, print-on-demand printer; journalists in digital offices (mostly WFH) – with personal computers, extension monitors, printers, supplies of ink and paper – including Internet setups.

BBM Media will come up with Positive News; it will “Change the news for good.” THiNK! Journalism will go for development of the islands from North to South. Let’s begin today!@517


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