Why Does Your SMART Agriculture Ignore Climate Change? Consider My SHARP Agriculture – The Difference Is The Use Of Intelligence!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being touted all over the world as the Savior of Mankind, specially in Agriculture. Differently, I surmise that saying, “AI will save the world” is actually saying, “Man will save himself from his own iniquities!”

SMART or SHARP Agriculture? I just blogged “’Smart Farming’ Is What Indian Consultant Deepak Talwar Advises, That We Filipinos Adopt 5G Technologies To Improve Our Agriculture” (19 Aug 2022, Towards A New Eden, towardsaneweden.blogspot.com/), where Mr Talwar says PH Agriculture can “create value for business owners and customers alike” using 5G.
(“Smart farming” image from Unsplash, unsplash.com)

Oh? Valtra.com says (“Smart Farming: A Brief History,” valtra.com):

Some say Smart Farming can trace its roots to the late 1990s when tractors first started using GPS [Global Positioning System] to map out farms and cropping maps.

Precision is equated to Intelligence. Scholarly Community Encyclopedia says (encyclopedia.pub/):

The “smart” concept applied in farming includes the employment of new digital and high-tech technology and the creation of a localized community in which these technologies have a meaning.

What if my agriculture is not high tech? Nonetheless, it must serve the poor. InThe Journey Of ICRISAT & William Dar. The End Is Another Beginning(14 Dec 2014, iCRiSAT Watch, icrisatwatch.blogspot.com); I wrote:

"By the end of December 2014," Director General of ICRISAT William Dollente Dar says… (What ICRISAT Thinks, 12 December 2014, witblog.icrisat.org), "I will be completing my 15-year journey into the limitless and uncommon opportunities for an inclusive and sustainable development in the drylands – tackling the challenges of poverty, hunger, malnutrition and environmental degradation, and fulfilling a dedication to serve poor rural communities of the world."

What about Big Data? Corinne Bernstein says (“Smart Farming,” TechTarget, techtarget.com):

Smart farming is a management concept focused on providing the agricultural industry with the infrastructure to leverage advanced technology – including big data, the cloud and the internet of things (IoT) – for tracking, monitoring, automating and analyzing operations. Also known as precision agriculture, smart farming is software-managed and sensor-monitored. Smart farming is growing in importance due to the combination of the expanding global population, the increasing demand for higher crop yield, the need to use natural resources efficiently, the rising use and sophistication of information and communication technology and the increasing need for climate-smart agriculture.

All that is what they call “Smart Agriculture.” I prefer my version, “SHARP Agriculture.”

Differently, SHARP Agriculture neither rejects nordepends on automation such as the internet of things (IoT) to carry out activities and functions.

Scientific – shown to be workable with the critical thinking of man while it obeys the natural laws.

Holistic – all things considered, causes and effects, plural.

Adaptable – not rigid, as long as it obeys the laws of Mother Nature.

Regenerative – always returns to Mother Nature what it borrows from her, the next time around. And zero greenhouse gases generated!

Pleasant to Peasants – must release the poor from poverty as they plant and culture for their families’ presents and futures.

I prefer to be SHARP than SMART!@517


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