Bill Gates & His Meatless Mind Vs Robert Rodale & His Healthy Hope. How We Can Change Climate Change For The Good, Better, Best!

ANN says billionaire Bill Gates believes “All rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef” (Author Not Named, undated, “Reject Bill Gates’ Impossible Burger,” Organic Consumers Association, That’s Gates’ contribution to the re/solution of Climate Change!? His best is not good enough!

Still from ANN:

Bill Gates has invested in Impossible Foods whose CEO, Pat Brown, says his genetically engineered synthetic meat substitutes will replace the use of animals by 2035.

Hah! It would be impossible to convince me, a Filipino, to eat synthetic meat – I love the taste of lechon and fried chicken, for instance.

You’d think the Impossible Foods pitch would be about the horrors of factory farming. Instead, Gates and Brown take aim at regenerative organic agriculture and grass-fed beef. According to “Gates and Brown believe that genetically modified seeds and chemical herbicides, in the right doses – and not land-intensive organic farming – are crucial to curbing carbon emissions.”
(image sources: “Impossible” from Impossible Foods,; “Soil pollution” from Pixstory,

Me: To treat the climate right, you have to treat the soil right – and thus are able to treat eaters right!

Rodale Institute says (undated, “Carbon Sequestration,”

If we converted all global croplands and pastures to regenerative organic agriculture, we could sequester more than 100% of current annual CO2 emissions.

ANN asks, “Can Regenerative Agriculture replace conventional farming?” (Author Not Named, 25 Aug 2020, eit Food,, and says:

The Rodale Institute has been running side-by-side field studies for the last 30 years, comparing organic and conventional agriculture. Results show that after a 1- to 2-year transition period, when yields tend to decline, there is no difference between conventional and regenerative farming in terms of yields. In stressful conditions, particularly during droughts, the regenerative fields perform better because they are more resilient – the soil can absorb more water because it contains more biomass. And certainly farmers we work with say the yields are the same, while their input costs go down.

So, with 30 years of field studies, Rodale Institute has found that with Regenerative Agriculture (RA), yields are the same with CA, while costs are lower. And zero cost to Climate Change!

Organic Consumers says (undated, “A Climate Solution Is In The Soil,”

With the worsening crises in public health, biodiversity, and global warming, the future can look bleak. Fortunately, there’s a solution: regenerative food, farming, and land use.

Regenerative Agriculture… has the potential to generate a net decrease in atmospheric carbon. How? By allowing photosynthesis to do its job. Carbon drawn from the atmosphere by living plants helps build soil organic matter… Regenerative farming practices help preserve and build soil organic matter, so the carbon drawn down through photosynthesis remains sequestered in the soil.

I repeat: “A Climate Solution Is In The Soil.” This is via RA. Farmers have to be enriching the organic matter content of their fields – and avoid applying chemicals that generate greenhouse gases that cause Climate Change – simultaneously enriching themselves!@517


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