“Sir David Attenborough, Let’s Stop Calling On The World Bodies And Start Calling On The World Buddies! We People Have To Be Our Own Buddies!”

British naturalist Sir David Attenborough has been calling on the leading nations of the world to “adopt tougher climate targets” (Timothy Reuter, 02 Nov 2021, “David Attenborough: It Could Soon Be Too Late To Tackle Climate Change,” World Economic Forum (weforum.org); “Every day that pass by in which we don’t do something about it is a day wasted. If we don’t act now, it’ll be too late.”

“The UN said greenhouse gas concentrations had hit a record last year and the world was ‘way off track’ in capping rising temperatures.” Not only that. “Attenborough said leading nations had a duty to help poorer countries because industrialization had been one of the major factors in driving climate change.”

“Industrialization had been one of the major factors in driving climate change” – and in the Philippines, I digital campaigner for combatting physical climate change, am looking at this:

Agriculture is the hugest contributing factor to climate change!
(Image sources: “Climate Change” from Twitter, twitter.com; “Farmer” from The Statesman, thestatesman.com)

In the lower image, you will note that the farmer with a backpack is framed by naked mountainsides – even the native peoples in my country the Philippines have been abusing their non/farmlands to the point of poverty in both natural and human resources!

Now then, instead of calling on the Big Countries to help the Small Countries to help fight the Big Fight, I am calling on our PH Government to junk Chemical Agriculture (CA) and mandate nationally the practice of Regenerative Agriculture (RA)!

The reason for my call to stop CA is that the chemical fertilizers and pesticides are the generators of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Once you stop CA, the farms will stop generating GHGs! And farmers will earn more as those chemicals are expensive.

As simple – and as complicated as that.

When I say that instead of CA, farmers should all practice RA, you will automatically ask these 2 questions:

(1)   Will not costs of farming increase?

(2)   Will not yields decrease?

And my automatic answer to each question is: “No!” In fact, costs of farming will decrease drastically. And yields of crops will increase dramatically. And their demand will increase expectedly because the food crops will produce healthy foods – with zero pesticide residues. We can expect that the consumers would be demanding more!

Helen Lock has “9 Staggering Facts From David Attenborough’s New Devastating Documentary On Climate Change” (08 June 2021, globalcitizen.org). One is this:

If forests die out, we won’t benefit from how trees take carbon dioxide out of the air, which will in turn accelerate warming. He says we’re in a moment where the planet is “still our friend” when it comes to supporting us, but it could soon become “our foe.”

Another one: “The Australian wildfires and COVID-19 were a wake-up call.” Mr Attenborough explains that infectious diseases that come from animals such as Covid-19 were signs of an “unhealthy planet.”

Actually, those are signs of unhealthy planet occupants – us!@517


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