Angat Buhay Agriculture! (ABA!) By Girls Vs Capitalist-Inspired Agriculture (CIA) By Boys – Intelligent Agriculture Vs Diligent Agriculture!

Time for the girls teach the boys how to farm using their brains! In Agriculture so far, the boys have shown they are not using their brains, insisting on applying chemical fertilizers, which disastrously results in Climate Change!

I began writing about Angat Buhay Leni Robredo 2 years ago (see my essay, “In Looking At The Crown Of Thorns, I Found The Clowns” 03 April 2020, Beauty & Brains

There was this news that some high PH government officials wanted to probe Vice President Leni Robredo for “competing against” PH agencies in providing much-needed assistances during this coronavirus lockdown, and Marigs Laririt shared a picture-story on Facebook quoting Ms Leni as saying, “I didn’t know it was competition. I didn’t see any competitors!” Ms Marigs says, “Ay, parang friends ko kung sumagot si Mam.” (Ay, with Mam, it’s just like my friends answering back.) Ms Leni’s is a two-handed backslap, and you can imagine the lady laughing! I say: She is the humor-monger – they are the clowns.

This time, I’m calling on Ma’am Leni and her Angat Buhay Foundation to finance a program in PH Agriculture I am now calling “Angat Buhay Agriculture!” (ABA!) to awaken the farmer males sleeping/slipping on Capitalist-Inspired Agriculture (CIA); ABA! will decrease much farm costs and simultaneously increase farm outputs with farmer incomes because of very low costs.

The farming males have not been feeling guilty with their CIA causing much of Climate Change, applying chemical fertilizers that generate greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the fields. With CIA, the GHGs generate less farmer incomes and more crop losses. Boys will always be boys!?

Ben Gines Jr says, P24B Allotted For Climate-Smart Agri” (28 Feb 2022, Manila Times, Excellent! Compare that with the P27B subsidy for chemical fertilizers in the PH budget for 2023! Our male-dominated agriculture is chemical-minded, and so I am inspiring our female-dominated Angat Buhay Foundation to be Climate Change-smart. Then we will see the girls outsmarting the boys!
(image sources: “Girl Carrying Boy” from; “Angat Buhay Pilipino” from

The ABA! Program I am proposing will begin with a modest initial project – reinventing the rotavator. I have been writing about this, my latest essay being “With The Angat Buhay Rotavator In Place, The Girls Can Show The Boys Less Costs & More Returns In Farming – Beauty & Brains!” (07 Sept 2022, Beauty & Brains Farming, I emphasize that the ABA! Rotavator will be able to create an organic mulch all over the farm on its first passing over the field automatically – ensuring organic agriculture, even if the girl operator knows only how to run the equipment but knows nothing about organic farming at all!

What the CIA boys are doing now is applying their knowledge on chemical fertilizers, not applying their brains, thus failing to realize they are producing the GHGs that produce Climate Change they are complaining about – the CIA boys can use higher intelligence!

With the intelligent ABA! Rotavator, it will be Beauty & Brains over Boys!@517


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